Role of Stochastic Fluctuations and Climate Heterogeneity in Vegetation Patterns of Mesic Savannas
Hereditary Good Properties and Net Weight
Fourier Transform over Integers Modulo N and Signal Recovery
Tropical semifield
We will discuss the tropical semifield i.e. R with operations of min and +. We will define the tropical hypersurface of a tropical polynomial.
The Shape of Compact Covers
Grothendieck-Serre Conjecture about Torsors
The Affine Grassmannian as a Presheaf Quotient
Counting Number Fields
Abstract: We will discuss some recent techniques that have been successful in counting a variety of objects in number theory. Our main focus will be on counting low degree number fields, following the inspirational work of Bhargava. We will see many areas of mathematics come together in this story.