By the Numb3rs Spring 2021 - Alumni Spotlight

Alumni Spotlight

Connor Stout

Hi, my name is Connor Stout and I graduated from Pitt in 2018 with a degree in applied mathematics and a minor in computer science. Since then, I’ve been working as an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Engineer at Lockheed Martin.  Beyond my degree, a few experiences I had at Pitt were instrumental in getting my job at Lockheed and being able to perform well from day one.  Firstly, I decided to take the optional course BIG Problems in Math where I worked with a team to build a machine learning solution to a real problem a company was having.  This project was the main thing I talked about in my interview, and I think having practical experience coming right out of college was one of the main reasons I got the job.  Secondly, starting at Lockheed on a research team, the things I learned in Linear Algebra, Fourier Analysis, and Optimization were immediately useful in my work.  Also taking classes in the computer science department gave me a solid CS foundation to apply the things I learned conceptually in those math classes.