
K-Spectral Sets

Starting in 2021, the University of Pittsburgh AWM Chapter hosts the Pitt AWM Student Seminar Series, held on the first Fridays of each month at 4:45pm. Every meeting features two 30 minute long talks by female PhD students, each presenting the speaker's research outcomes. Our seminar is hoped to give a platform to female students-researchers, to promote the spirit of collegiality and collaboration, and to recognize the hard work of students during this pandemic time.


Hybrid model of winter tick epizootics in moose

Starting in 2021, the University of Pittsburgh AWM Chapter hosts the Pitt AWM Student Seminar Series, held on the first Fridays of each month at 4:45pm. Every meeting features two 30 minute long talks by female PhD students, each presenting the speaker's research outcomes. Our seminar is hoped to give a platform to female students-researchers, to promote the spirit of collegiality and collaboration, and to recognize the hard work of students during this pandemic time.


Let's count things

Arithmetic statistics is an area devoted to counting a wide range of objects of algebraic interest, such as polynomials, fields, and elliptic curves.  Fueled by the interplay of analysis and number theory, we'll count polynomials and number fields, which though basic objects of study in number theory, are quite difficult to actually count.  How often does a random polynomial fail to have full Galois group?  How many number fields are there?  We will address both of these questions today.

The gravitomagnetic monopole I: The Schwarzschild universe

The purpose of this series of talks is to introduce Schwarzschild universe and a non-commutative generalization.  This first talk focuses on the Schwarzschild universe, by which we mean a maximal conformal analytic extension of the static, spherically symmetric space-time vacuum.  We shall discuss the structure of its null geodesics (they are elliptic curves), null geodesic deviation, and the theorem proven jointly by the speaker and George Sparling that every null geodesic in Schwarzschild "feels" the temperature of the singularity (a la Gibbons and Hawking).