Graphs and Networks Seminar

We focus this term on graph expanders, Ramanujan graphs, optimal connected graphs and Schur-convex functions, maximal and minimal complexity, networks that quickly induce brain synchrony, and number theoretic conjectures associated to Hadamard codes. We may or may not cover all this but we are in no rush. The spirit of the Seminar is to give several talks introducing the research topic, present some fundamental results, then lead to new research and open questions. Techniques of proof are typically highlighted and snags in completing desired proofs are always fun to listen to.

This term the Graphs and Networks Seminar meets Thursdays at 11 via Zoom. The Zoom ID number is 938 2548 4230

Seminar/Colloquia Type:
Academic Year: 
2023 - 2024
Day of the Week: 
via Zoom