Brain Imaging with FreeFem++

Friday, September 1, 2017 - 15:30
704 Thackery
Speaker Information
Frederic Hecht
Universit Pierre et Marie Curie

Abstract or Additional Information

ABSTRACT: Teaser: Microwave tomography is a novel imaging modality holding great promise for medical applications and in particular for brain stroke diagnosis. We demonstrated on synthetic data the feasibility of a microwave imaging technique for the characterization and monitoring of strokes. Using high performance computing, we are able to obtain a tomographic reconstruction of the brain in less than two minutes. Our work demonstrates on synthetic data the feasibility of a microwave imaging technique for the characterization of CVAs, and won our research team the Bull-Joseph Fourier Prize in 2015. The numerical framework is based on high-performance computing open-source tools developed by our research team: the HPDDM library is an ecient parallel implementation of Domain Decomposition Methods (DDM) and is interfaced with the nite element software FreeFem++. Our work was carried out in collaboration with EMTensor, an Austrian innovative SME dedicated to biomedical imaging and is based on their BRain IMaging Generation1 (BRIMG1) prototype. In this colloquium, I will present this problem and how to solve it, and I make a short overview of FreeFem++ with some real time tests on classical PDE ( Poisson,Navier-Stokes, Elasticy, ...).





HOST: Bill Layton