Telgarksy's Conjecture

Pitt Topology Seminar

Friday January 21 at 11am EST  

Speaker: Lynne Yengulalp (Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University)

Title: Telgarksy's Conjecture


A k-tactic in the Banach-Mazur game on a space X is a winning strategy for a player that only depends on the opponent's previous k moves. In 1985, Debs constructed a space X for which the NONEMPTY player has a 2-tactic, but does not have a 1-tactic. Telgarsky conjectured that for each k greater than 0, there is a space X for which NONEMPTY has a (k+1)-tactic but no k-tactic. In this talk, I will talk about joint work with Brian, Dow, and Milovich and discuss some open questions on the topic.


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Friday, January 21, 2022 - 11:00 to 12:00
Speaker Information
Lynne Yengulalp
Assistant Professor
Wake Forest University